Friday, March 12, 2010


Yay! It's my favorite day of the week and I am taking a half day off work. Can it get better than that? Well, yes, if it wasn't raining, it would be perfect.

Okay so I am feeling bloated.

I have been working the receptionist position at my job all week because the girl who does it has been out with a bad tooth. Well, it started out as a bad tooth, then the dentist pulled it, so now it is a sore socket.

Anyway, I have been doing another job on top of the two I already do. Thanks to that, I haven't been able to do as much as I usually do, including walking, and believe it or not, going to the bathroom.

Now you may think that is funny. It isn't.

So anyway, keeping things pleasant, I am bloated. I cannot take laxatives, because I also have diverticulosis. This little disorder keeps me from eating popcorn too, which really bites because I LOOOOOOVE popcorn.

So. I got on the scales today. Just because. Well, and ... I am up. One lb. point two. That's almost a whole lb and a half!! OhMY G!!

And I am going to a big event this weekend. Just shoot me now.

1 comment:

  1. Now, now, Em. It happened to me last week--went up two pounds. It's okay, just don't get discouraged. So, how was your big event?

